Anstey School
And Our Local community
One of the joys of being a ‘village school’ is the friendly, giving community with which we are surrounded. This has many indirect benefits which are apparent throughout the school year. There are also several identifiable benefits of a close community spirit:-
Pastor Ian Palmer and Reverend James Sawyer who, amongst other things, visit our school to participate in assemblies.
The Anstey Fair, held in July, is a big event in our school calendar and a hugely enjoyable afternoon for everyone involved. Our children and parents help to man games and stalls at this community event in the heart of our village. Live bands play and delicious cream teas and hog roast sandwiches are served. We are lucky to benefit from the fund raising activities that go on here.
Reading – Regular volunteers come into school for weekly one-to-one reading practice with the children and to help with activities such as art, D&T, sewing or cooking. (As a matter of course, all volunteers working with the children are DBS checked.)
Tom Sealy (governor and retired head of Anstey) helps in class regularly on a Tuesday.
Kate Oxley (governor) regularly helps in class on a Wednesday.
Community Newsletters
The School writes regular contributions for Anstey News and the Buntingford Journal.
These articles provide a great way for us to let the rest of the Community know all that is going on at Anstey First School.
Special Thanks
Special thanks should go to the people and companies who between them have generously provided us with free items, equipment and renovations. These are:
Anstey Village Community including the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee who for many years have kindly given us a large chunk of their summer fair fundraising pot. . The Anstey Fair, held in July, is a big event in our school calendar and a hugely enjoyable afternoon for everyone involved. Our children and parents help man games stalls at this community event in the heart of our village. In addition, there are a wide variety of stalls from plants to jewellery and clothes, live bands play and delicious cream teas and hog roast sandwiches are served. We have been very lucky to benefit from the fund raising activities that go on here.
Stagestruck in Anstey who have supported us in many ways over the years with staging and lighting for our plays, renovating Little Owls class with fantastic noticeboards and resources and bookbag storage as well as a little fund raising.
Brooklands School allowed us to repurpose some of the play equipment which they were replacing. Elements were repurposed and now have a whole new life as part of our new climbing challenges.
Conqueror Industries in Royston who kindly powder-coated the metal "fireman's" poles which we repurposed as part of our new climbing challenges
Tim East for (amongst many other things) the oversized Lego bricks which have provided endless hours of playground fun.
Members of the Anstey Village Link email group - who have answered various appeals for help. From PTFE tape to tombola and raffle donations to rehoming dogs and ducks found visiting us.....