Important News and Events

What's Happening This Half Term
Monday 24 February - Back to school
28 February - Closing Date for Nursery Admissions
Tuesday 4 March- Pancake Day fun in school
Thursday 6 March - WORLD BOOK DAY, children to bring a favourite book, dress in PJs
Years 3 and 4 visit to BEAM cinema to see The Borrowers
w/c 10 March - Science Week
Friday 21 March - Red Nose Day - Donations via Just Giving Page. Children can wear crazy/red hair do's red noses, accessories, etc
Friday 28 March - 2.15pm Mothers and Others Tea
Served in the Village Hall - please join us for yummy refreshments made and served by your children (Owlets pre-school will bring home treats on Thursday 27th)
Friday 4 April - EASTER EGG HUNT (Thurs 3rd for Owlets)
1.15pm Whole School Assembly and Dimsdale Award in the village hall (parents are welcome) School closes 2pm
7 - 21 April -Easter Holiday (Playscheme available 7-11 April)
Tuesday 22 April - Summer Term begins
Ofsted February 2022: "Anstey First School continues to be a GOOD school"
Sporting Events
Wednesday Sports Club continues with Joe
Currently Tag Rugby
Please remember Anstey sports kit for competitions (burgundy logo'd polo, black shorts, school sweatshirt)
Whole School Golf Day - 7 October
Interschool events coming up in the New Year:
Cross Country

Diary Dates Academic Year 2024-2025
2 September 2024- Inset Day
Tuesday 3 September - Back to School
Monday 30 September - School Photos (parents may bring siblings not in school to the village hall at 8.15am and EY children not in school today at 8.45am)
Monday 7 October - Whole School Golf Day
Wednesday 23 October - 11am Flu Immunisation for Reception to Y4 children
Friday 25 October- Dimsdale Award. Children only assembly (remember to return Dimsdale cup please)
28 -October - 1 November Half Term (Playscheme available 28 and 29 October)
Monday 4 November - Inset Day
Tuesday 5 November- Back to School
Wednesday 5 November - Start of Online Applications for Reception and Middle School for September 2025 admissions
6,7, 8 November - Poppy items for sale for Remembrance Day - generally price 50p -£2
Tuesday 12 November - Parent Consultations 1.30- 5pm
Friday 15 November - Children in Need - Wear Spots and Dots to school £2 donation. Pudsey Bearpees with Joe Wicks
Friday 22 November - 3.30 to 5.30pm Anstey PTA (Children's) Film Night in the Village hall. Tickets £5
Friday 22 November - 7.30pm till late Anstey PTA Adults Evening in the Village Hall. Tickets £20
Tuesday 26 November - 10.30am Years 1 and 2 to attend Saffron Hall, Performance of The Bluebird and The Robot
Tuesday 3 December - 9.30am Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime in the Village Hall (all children are invited even if they would not be in school on that day. Parents may accompany pre-school children)
5 December -5 - 7pm Anstey Christmas Family Evening in the Village Hall
Monday 9 December -school nurses re-visit re missed flu vaccine - online permission slips will be emailed 2 weeks prior. No vaccination without permission
Wednesday 11 December - 10.30am choir of 12 children to visit Layston Grove Care Home
Thursday 12 December - Christmas Jumper Day (£2 donation please) and Christmas lunch (all children can order including Nursery and Pre-school)
Tuesday 17 December - 11am Village Hall Dress Rehearsal of "A Boogie Woogie Nativity" - Owlets Preschool parents invited
Wednesday 18 December - 5pm Village Hall Performance of "A Boogie Woogie Nativity" for parents of Nursery to Y4 children No Club today
Thursday 19 December- 1.15pm Whole School Assembly and Dimsdale Award in the Village Hall (can the previous recipient remember to return the cup please). School closes 2pm
Friday 20 December - Occasional Day
23 December 2024 - 3 January 2025 - Christmas Holiday
1 January 2025 - Start of paper applications for 2025 Nursery places
Monday 6 January 2025 - Term begins
Monday 13 January - closing date for online Reception and Middle school applications
Monday 13 January - Gripping Yarns - 'Can You Keep A Secret? A storytelling for KS2 on keeping secrets and bullying. Joined by Jenyns school.
w/c 27 January - Reception parents invited to observe phonics teaching in action at 9.30am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
Wednesday 29 January -Chinese New Year - we will celebrate with snacks, chop sticks and a dragon!
Wednesday 5 February - 9-10am Years 1-4 Family Maths Morning in school - for parents of Little Owls and Wise Owls
Friday 7 February - NSPCC Number Day - Dress Up for Digits
Tuesday 11 February- Safer Internet Day
Friday 14 February- Dimsdale Award. Children only assembly (can the previous recipient remember to return Dimsdale cup please)
17 -21 February - Half Term (Playscheme available 17 and 18 February)
Monday 24 February - Back to school
Tuesday 28 February - closing date for paper Nursery applications
Tuesday 4 March- Pancake Day fun in school
Thursday 6 March - WORLD BOOK DAY, children to bring a favourite book, dress in PJs and (optional) bring a blanket. No toys please.
w/c 10 March - Science Week
Tuesday 18 March - KS2 Viking Day
Friday 21 March - Red Nose Day - Donations via Just Giving Page please. Children can wear crazy/red hair do's red noses, accessories, etc
Friday 28 March - 2.15pm Mothers and Others Tea
Served in the Village Hall - please join us for yummy refreshments made and served by your children (Owlets pre-school will bring home treats on Thursday 27th)
Tuesday 1 April - Circus Skills Day (Parents please join us
Friday 4 April - EASTER EGG HUNT (Thurs 3rd for Owlets)
1.15pm Whole School Assembly and Dimsdale Award in the village hall (parents are welcome) School closes 2pm
7 - 21 April -Easter Holiday (Playscheme available 7-11 April)
Tuesday 22 April - Summer Term begins
Wednesday 23 April - from 9am Bag2School collection (funds are raised by collecting clothes, towels, curtains, bets, , bags, etc. Bring into school in bin bags on Tuesday 22 or Wednesday 23 April by 9am latest)
Monday 28 April - 9am - 12pm - Wise Owls - 'Have A Go' Music Session at Edwinstree
Monday 5 May- May Bank Holiday
Tuesday 13 May - 1.30 - 5.30pm Parent Consultations
Thursday 16 May - Reception checks (height, weight, sight, hearing), give permission online
Friday 23 May - Dimsdale Award. Children only assembly (remember to return Dimsdale cup please)
26 - 30 May - Half Term
Thursday 5 June - 1pm - 3.30pm Y4 Edwinstree Computing Visit
Wednesday 18 June- Sports Day (spectators invited from
11.30 a.m. on the bottom field/park)
Sunday 22 June - 12pm-4pm Anstey Festival of Fairies and Fantastical Creatures!
Friday 18 July - 1.15pm Whole School Assembly and Dimsdale Award in the village hall (parents are welcome) School closes 2pm
21 July - inset
22 July - inset
23 July - inset
24 July - 30 August - Summer Holiday (Playscheme available 24 July to 8 August inclusive)
2 September 2025- Inset Day
Tuesday 3 September - Back to School