School Uniform
We encourage our children to wear their uniform proudly every day. It gives us a sense of belonging and means we can be identified by our teachers when on trips and other events.
Please label your child's name into all items of uniform.
School uniform items marked with an asterisk * below can be purchased online from Saffron Apparel.
We have also included a sunhat and a reversible fleece/waterproof jacket in burgundy to match the uniform but without a logo. These are optional items which we felt parents might find useful.
Uniform List
Our school uniform is as follows:
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore (girls can wear grey tailored trousers in the winter)
White shirt or polo shirt*
Grey socks or tights (or white socks for girls)
Black shoes (pick a style that your child can fasten themselves - a Velcro fastening is often a good choice)
Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo*
Bookbag with the school logo*
PE Kit
Black shorts*
Burgundy polo with the school logo* (can also be worn as summer uniform)
White socks
Plain trainers - again a Velcro fastening unless your child can fasten laces themselves
Plain black joggers may be worn for outside PE in colder weather
Draw string PE bag * (to fit easily onto the coat pegs where space is limited -NO rucksacks please - they are impossible to accommodate)
Other Items Your Child Will Need In School
Water Bottle - filled with water not juice please
Plain wellies labelled with the size on the outside to go into our wellie share.
Plain waterproof trousers and jacket to go into our outdoor pursuits share (allow growing room as these will be worn over clothes and with wellies).
(Once your child has outgrown the above 2 items by leaving them in the share we hope all parents will only need to buy these once in your child's school career.)
For health and safety reasons, jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of stud earrings and, in Key Stage 2, a watch may be worn. Children will be asked to remove stud earrings for PE or to tape them up.